January 29, 2010


Astoria, New York
Dinner in Honor of Gianfranco Fini, President Italian Chamber of Deputies Thursday, February 4, 2010The Grand Hyatt Hotel (Park Avenue at Grand Central, New York)Reception begins 7:00 pm - Dinner begins 8:00 pm Giovedi’ 4 febbraio il Presidente della Camera dei Deputati italiana, On. Gianfranco Fini, sara’ a New York nell’ambito di una visita negli Stati Uniti.In tale occasione, la Comunita’ italo-americana degli Stati di New York, New Jersey e Connecticut organizzera’ un pranzo in onore del Presidente Fini che si terra’ il 4 febbraio al Grand Hyatt Hotel (Park Avenue at Grand Central, New York). Il ricevimento iniziera’ alle ore 19:00. Il pranzo avra’ inizio alle ore 20.00. Nell’acclusa nota sono descritte le modalita’ per partecipare all’evento.Ci attendiamo una calorosa partecipazione a questo importante evento e contiamo sul Suo impegno affinche’ vi prendano parte il maggior numero possibile dei membri della Sua organizzazione. RingraziandoLa sin d’ora per il Suo sostegno, Le invio i miei piu’cordiali saluti.
English Translation:
On Thursday, February 4, 2010, the President of the Italian Chamber of Deputies, Gianfranco Fini, will be in New York during a visit to the United States. On this occasion, the Italian American Community of the States of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut will organize a dinner in honor of the President of the Italian Chamber of Deputies on Thursday, February 4th at the Grand Hyatt Hotel (Park Avenue at Grand Central, New York). The reception will start at 7:00 p.m. and dinner will follow at 8:00 p.m. We look forward to a warm participation at this important event and count on your commitment to ensure that members of your organization will participate in the highest possible number. Thank you in advance for your support of this important initiative.
Reservation Form
Please list below the name, phone number, e-mail address and organization of those attending I am enclosing a check for $..........for……Golden Seating Table(s) of ten at $2,000 each I am enclosing a check for $..........for……Golden Seating Ticket(s) at $200 each I am enclosing a check for $..........for……Silver Seating Table(s) of ten at $1,300 each I am enclosing a check for $..........for……Silver Seating Ticket(s) at $150 each Checks should be made payable to: The Consulate General of Italy (Pres. Fini) Please mail this form and your check to: Mr. Giorgio GoriniConsulate General of Italy690 Park AvenueNew York, N.Y. 10065

For security reasons all tickets are non-transferable and all attendees must present a photo I.D.To ensure that you are seated with members of the Italian American Museum please contact: Dr. Joseph V. Scelsa at (917) 642-4922

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