June 12, 2010


Astoria, New York
(Reprinted from www.ladygaga2009.blogspot.com )
This blogspot was created in 2009 because a vision told me that Lady Gaga will make it big, bigger than Madonna, because of her multi talented style of approach to music and her character. She can easily be compared to a Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Giotto or Dante from different angles and this was confirmed when I spoke to her ex boyfriend's mom, Carol, this past week. The funny thing about this is that I remember when this mom spoke to me a few years ago and spoke of Stefani (Lady Gaga) on at least a couple of occasions. One of them was " I have to go home because Stefani, my son's girlfriend is coming over and I have to prepare for it ". Lady Gaga was in the making in the year she was going out with a jewish-italian american boy of Queens. " She was attending an all girls school while my son was attending an all boys school. They met through events and then they started going out. I have a picture of them together that cost me more than 500.00 dollars. My son asked me for the picture but I told him that I paid for it and I am keeping it. It could a nice valuable in the future. Who knows." said Carol. She works in a family retail shop in Forest Hills that was already in business back then. " Stefani had the passion for music. She would always play the piano when she came over. She would write songs, write poetry. You could see that she had real talent. Not the talent of other superstars that make it for the looks or the connections just like Brittney Spears or Madonna." continued Carol. " I remember once when we had a major snow storm. Stefani took the subway all the way from Brooklyn to come to see my son. I opened the door and there she was with a purple face from that cold wind and snow. And she would have a box of italian cookies in her hand. She was very sweet. Stefani was very italian when it came to certain things. She was brought up in an italian-american family with her mom and dad being both italian. It was a nice family. I personally admired her sense of adventure for something she believed in." Carolina admits that perhaps Stefani's determination for success created a clash with her son. " We are a family of strong morals and we believe in not stepping beyond the limits. Lady Gaga's success was depending in getting to the right place as fast as possible. She saw the oppurtunity of success by going to the night clubs in downtown Manhattan in flashy attire. She knew her talents and did not want to waste time. Her determination led to the success she enjoys today. I hear her songs every time I put on the radio. I never would have immagined this would ever happen even knowing that she had these good talents. My son is getting married at the end of June. He is marrying a girl totally the opposite of Lady Gaga" finalized Carol. The conversation with Lady Gaga's ex boyfriend's mom confirms Lady Gaga as a superstar with such a dynamic style. " For many years I have assited and consulted with many musicians and singers and poets who live or came to Queens. The latest was Salvatore Marchese ( http://www.salvatoremarchese.com/ ) or ( http://www.salvatoremarchese.it/ ) who I had the chance to meet and help. My help proved to be very valuable to Marchese. He was able to meet the staff of Mayor Bloomberg. The Mayor wrote to Italy a thank you letter for a poem he donated to the City of New York. I got Sal Marchese other valuable connections that he continues to remember every major holiday when I receive a call from him from Sicily. " The missing talent in Marchese his own voice and FPG believes that this has stopped him from having serious success. " I have said that all along and consulted with him in finding qualified singers for his songs. Another talent is seen in Nico of Fueled by Sound with his hit song "Don't Disappoint Me". The song has hit 14th place on the Candian dance charts. FPG believed in the song and the good voice of Christy, another italian-american girl from Brooklyn, just like Lady Gaga.

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