June 24, 2012


Caesar, the mighty general who explored Brittania after securing positions in Gallia in the first century BC, knew that this mighty island needed more legions to be conquered since he was unprepared and he still needed to fight the regrouping Gauls. Now in 2012, England remains while the French were taken out yesterday by the Spaniards. Now Cesare Prandelli is ready for an assualt on the British defense and ready to weed out Rooney. Mario Balotelli and Cassano who scored in the previous game against Ireland may be what the Italians need. But do not forget the quality penalty kicker Pirlo, the almost impenetrable Buffon and the rest of Italy's elite players who are asked to be bold by Cesare himself. " What need for the Italian players is patience and absence of strong emotions. We don't need them to jump up and down if they do score the first goal. It will be a recipe for disaster since England could use this to score quickly the tie goal. Let's leave the emotions to the fans during the game. In italian : Cosa abbiamo bisogno dai calciatori italiani e' la pazienza e l'assenza di grandi emozioni. Non abbiamo bisogno di giocatori che saltano in euforia se l'Italia va in vantaggio. Sara' una ricetta per disastro perche' l'Inghilterra usera' questa situazione per pareggiare. Lasciamo le emozioni ai tifosi durante la partita. PARTITAITALIA.BLOGSPOT.COM AUGURA L'ITALIA DI ARRIVARE ALLE SEMIFINALI CONTRO LA GERMANIA.

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